New Beginnings

The old year has gone and the New Year begins.

As we reflect on the events of the past year, we think of the good times and also on the trials and tribulations we experienced. What changes lay ahead, some of us will make New Year resolutions, a few of them will be fulfilled but the others will just fade away as the year progresses.

I opened my new diary and looked at the empty pages. I wondered what my first entry would be. I wanted this year to be different from last year, and I thought about what I wanted to change.

I realised that I had spent a lot of time reacting during the past few years worrying about other people’s problems. I’d spent so much time helping them to live their lives, that my life had lost direction.

I began to think about what I wanted… time to do the many things I’ve wanted to achieve…

One of them is to share my ideas I’ve learned. I thought this blog could be a good way to start.

I also made a to-do list of all those things that I have been putting off.

Two of the special attributes we are given is the ability to make changes in our lives and time to apply them. We need to be mindful of spending our time on the right things. I think that the way we spend our time defines who we are.

I do believe the greatest gifts we can give someone are our time, our attention, our love and concern. I also believe that our time is precious and should be used wisely.

I am looking forward to the year ahead and to new beginnings. This blog will be my diary, as I share my life and my new and exciting projects.

I hope that you enjoy spending time with me, and I hope my thoughts help you.

– Nancy

3 thoughts on “New Beginnings

  1. When I read “I’d spent so much time helping them to live their lives, that my life had lost direction” I could see the same in me! You made me realise that I must nourish myself this year as well as others. Thanks Nancy

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